Couple on date night attacked by teens, lose unborn child

Anyone who says crime isn't that bad is lying to you. Crime is absolutely out of control and the criminals are getting younger. One incident that took place in Chicago has people across the nation fuming in anger. A couple was out on date night when they were attacked by teenagers. The woman was pregnant and ended up losing the child to a miscarriage as a result of the attack. People across social media now want the teens charged as adults for killing the baby. Fox 32 Chicago reported on the heinous crime:

Nina, who didn't want to show her face on camera, shared images with FOX 32 showing a chunk of her hair pulled out. During the interview, her eye was still bruised.

Her husband was also viciously attacked by the group, which held him down.

Nina said this wasn’t a robbery, and that the teens pepper-sprayed her and kicked her stomach. She was two weeks pregnant and said she found out after the attack that she had lost the baby.

"We believe in faith, and it wasn't meant to be. So, we don't know why this happened to us," Nina said.

Chicago police arrived on the scene and quickly caught a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. Both were charged with one count of misdemeanor battery.

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