Adele deals with heckler shouting 'Pride Sucks'

Adele was performing a live show when a heckler randomly screamed "pride sucks" and the singer took a moment to deal with them. I don't know what yelling 'pride sucks' in the middle of an Adele show accomplishes. I always think it's rude to disrupt the performers. Just let them sing. Go protest the pride stuff at a parade or something, not an Adele show. Duh. My thoughts are don't disrupt the singers. It's rude. I don't care what YOU have to say, I wanna see the performer. But whatever, here's the video and USA Today quoted what Adele said:

In the clip, Adele initially appeared taken aback after being interrupted by the heckler but grew angry after realizing what they had said.

"Did you come to my (expletive) show and just say that Pride sucks?" an incensed Adele asked. "Are you (expletive) stupid?"

The crowd erupted in cheers after the 16-time Grammy winner told this "ridiculous" concertgoer, "You've got nothing nice to say, shut up, all right?"


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