Anti-DEI teacher sues, claims racial discrimination

As more people push back against DEI practices that often hire people based on skin color or ethnicity as a priority over their skillset or background, you may see more legal cases like this where a history teacher in California has sued under the notion that he's a victim of racial discrimination. Except, in this case, the teacher is white and he claims he was denied a position because he's white. Fox Baltimore reported on the lawsuit, saying the following in a news article:

History teacher Isaac Newman attempted to run for a board position for the Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) after becoming “fed up” with his school district’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies, his attorney told Crisis in the Classroom (CITC). Newman, a decade-long member of the union, allegedly could not advance his candidacy past the nomination form due to his race.

EGEA in 2023 created a “BIPOC At-Large” board position reserved only for individuals who self-identify as a member of a racial minority group, according to the lawsuit. When filing paperwork to run for the opening, Newman “could not in good conscience check the box,” his lawyer said. That allegedly made him ineligible to run for the position.

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