Video shows cops vs teenager who wouldn't leave apartment pool, allegedly

A video circulating social media should irritate every single parent who has any common sense whatsoever. The video shows two cops taser and beat the snot out of a teenage boy who allegedly refused to leave an apartment complex pool after failing to reveal if he lived there or not - or so the stories online say. Here's why this should make you mad.

Reason ONE this makes me mad? Your kids should respect their elders and respect the law. Any teenager who refuses to respect their elders or law enforcement should be punished. This should make parents angry because you should be raising your damn kids to act right, but instead, half of you are probably sitting on your dumbass phone all day doing nothing. If your kid is acting like this, then it's probably YOUR fault as a parent.

Reason TWO this makes me mad? No parent wants to see their kids get beaten by police. You want to know what may have worked better? If someone found the phone number of this kid's mom. It doesn't matter who you are, if your mom is a black woman, then she's gonna hail down on you worse than ten cops would do it. If your mama shows up, she's gonna whip your ass in front of the police until the cops tell her to stop too. Next time, figure out his identity and call his mama. That's actually worse than taking a few shots from the police.

Here's what the news reported:

According to an arrest report, the officers were called to a pool at the Caroline Apartments on Memorial Day after someone reported that there were people there who didn’t live at the complex. The report said the manager told police to trespass anyone who didn’t live there.  Police said a 16-year-old didn’t provide them with an apartment number and did not identify himself, and was verbally trespassed from the property. He left the pool to get his belongings, according to the report.

The report said the teen was asked to leave the property again, and put his hand in the officer’s face, but that was not captured on video. He reportedly “tensed his body” when an officer grabbed his arm and tried to pull away. In the video, the teen is seen pressed up against a wall as an officer punches him in the head repeatedly. At one point, the second officer grabs his hair while the other continues punching him in the head.

Dumpster Fire

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