Hmmmmmm this ice cream is so good

Thank you to the 81 million people who voted for Joe Biden! Just kidding. You all owe the rest of the planet an apology. Biden's administration has shown complete incompetence and proved that diversity hiring is not ever the best foot forward. The best man or woman for the job is the best way forward, not this circus that Biden's administration has become as it embarrasses America. It's so bad that even Italian television is showing videos mocking Joe Biden as being lost, confused, and unable to comprehend words or spit out anything but a word salad that makes Kamala Harris jealous. Please folks, for the sake of our future, do not vote Democrat in 2024. The Dems have gone so far left that they're letting biological men play women's sports, allowing America to be perverted, invaded by illegals, and they just lost any and all logic or common sense they ever had. They're too far left, and until they get closer to the center, then no one should ever vote for them again.

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