Fani Willis' father sounds like Jussie Smollett part deux

I'll take things that probably never happened for $500, Alex! Fani Willis' father jumped on the stand and began telling some story that resembled something Jussie Smollett would say. I don't believe anything her father is saying and he sounds worse than Jussie Smollett at this point. It's worse because Willis' daddy probably knows the story behind Jussie Smollett and those lies he told, so for him to come on the stand and testify with some nonsense like this, about Fani Willis being harassed outside of her home in a predominately non-white area is just about the biggest BS we will hear this week. First of all, if this was even remotely true, then there would be video of it. If she was in her home while it happened, then she would have recorded it on her phone. Or, someone there would have recorded it. Either way, there is NO evidence to support his bogus claim and he's basically Jussie Smollett part deux.

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