Watch company takes down woke agenda in one single video

Here's a company taking a stand against the radical woke leftists who keep ruining everything the world loves. This company is called Egard Watch Company and they've taken time to release their anti-woke video that includes a part that reminds men to stay out of women's sports. The American Tribune reported on this, saying the following:

lan Srulovicz, CEO of Egard Watches, recently spoke with Sky News Australia, where he explained the motivation behind his recent ad campaign, which discusses transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.  Srulivicz explained the incentive structure behind companies pushing the woke narrative. “There’s a tremendous amount of pressure on corporate companies [to put out woke ads] or they won’t get investments from groups like Blackrock or Vanguard…and every industry has been taken over by the Left – the media, Hollywood, corporations so until people start fighting back, it will be allowed to escalate,” the CEO said.

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