Democrat proposes $50 an hour minimum wage in CA

Leave it to Democrats to keep asking for free money and keep making people lazy and uninterested in gaining better employment. If there's anything the Democrats do well - it's enable people to be self-loathing dregs to society who have no interest in bettering their lifestyles. If people need help or come across tough times, then that's one thing. But for Democrat Rep. Lee to propose a $50 minimum wage IN CALIFORNIA that would pretty much sink the small businesses into the bottom of the Pacific, is just absolutely insane and stupid beyond all reasonable doubt. $15 was already a mistake because now our consumer good prices are going up and value meals aren't a value anymore. If you wanted my opinion, which most people do, then I'd say drop the minimum wage AND get prices of good back to normal. We need to set American wages and prices back a good 5-10 years so things can be affordable again. Just remember folks - the cost of highly paid employees will never be absorbed by the corporations. The costs will always get pushed down to the consumer. The working class is constantly being punished because of Democrats who enable the lazy entitled people.

Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee could be one of the dumbest people in politics. Instead of demanding people pay $50 an hour in California, why don't she do something to help bring prices DOWN on just about everything? Because Democrats don't fix problems, they make problems. Democrats ARE the problem.

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