KJP says Biden does more in an hour than most people in a day

KJP could go down in history as one of the worst White House press secretaries we've ever had. She is constantly lying to the reporter's faces and now she's trying to say the aging and decrepit president with memory issues does more in an hour than most people do in a day? Who are the "most people" she's referring to, because most people I know actually go to work for a living and they do more in a day than President Joe Biden, for sure. The blue collar workers out there work harder than Joe Biden ever has. What is KJP on that she would actually say this? It's like she's just a puppet saying what her masters want her to say. She cannot be trusted, no matter what you think of her, she's just not an honest person. And pay close attention to what she says in the video where she shows how big of a hypocrite and a liar she is.

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