Rand Paul exposes $900B in government waste

Senator Rand Paul has exposed $900 billion in wasted spending by the failing American government. This waste is no small amount of money, that's for sure. SKPop reported:

The $900 billion includes $659 billion in national debt after the government went overboard by spending $1.7 trillion in the current fiscal year. He said Congress voted this year to inflate the debt ceiling, which enabled the government to borrow an incalculable amount of money until the next fiscal year. Paul said that last year’s Festivus lamented the national debt of $30 trillion. He then mocked how this year, the bureaucrats and “career politicians” managed to increase the debt to $34 trillion. He blamed the spenders for sending the USA’s “hard-earned” money to fund wars and other aid to foreign countries while ignoring the border problem in the south. Senator Paul said their debt will continue to increase even more as the Congressional Budget Office has predicted the debt addition of an average of $2 trillion annually for the next ten years.

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