Gavin Newsom's wife touts 'family values' - then gets reminded about husband's affair from 2007

Gavin Newsom's wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom wrote this on X: "Dear American voters, as you head to the polls in the upcoming GOP primaries, remember what’s at stake: candidates who claim to stand for family values, but in reality use their platform and position to attack, demean, and lie about American families and communities." Did she forget her husband Gavin Newsom had an affair and the sidewalks have a fecal problem in California?

She was quickly reminded that Gavin Newsom is such a family values guy that he had an affair back in 2007, as noted by Reuters:

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom admitted on Thursday to having an affair with the wife of his former campaign manager, who quit a day earlier after confronting the up-and-coming Democrat and gay marriage advocate."I am deeply sorry," Newsom told reporters, admitting the affair after the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Alex Tourk had resigned from Newsom's re-election campaign after his wife disclosed the romantic involvement.

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