'The View' host makes horrible statement about "God's Will"

My Daily Freedom caught another one of 'The Views' worst episodes when host Sara Gaines sparked controversy, saying the following things that ticked off Americans on the right side of politics.

Haines said, "Yeah, and this example should be one of the easy ones, because this actually also risked her future fertility and she wants to grow her family more and, of course, the baby is going to pass, all those things.” Haines talked about when life begins and ends, suggesting that a lawsuit taking place in Kentucky, that discussed when life begins and if “a fetus is a part of a woman’s body until it leaves the womb.” All of these topics are well above my pay-grade, plus I'm a man, so I have no idea what it's like to be pregnant or give birth anyway.

Haines continued her rant about the controversial topic, saying the following - and this is the part that triggered people to no end, sparking the massive amount of comments and criticisms: “And  I tend to think when people say ‘well, it’s God’s will, it’s a miracle, it’s life.’ If it’s God’s will on the way in, it should be God’s will on the way out too? That brings into question, are you taking heart attack medication? Are you treating your cancer? Are you dying when he said you should? Because if we’re going to argue about life in, let’s be honest about life out.


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