Towering Teen who beat teacher's aide unconscious faces 30 years in prison, but some fear the judge will go easy

A black autistic teen in Florida beat a teacher's aide unconscious over a Nintendo Switch. The teen faces up to 30 years in prison, but the adoptive mother is hoping the victim and court show mercy. Some people believe the judge presiding over this case will go easy on the teen and give him a lighter sentence than what the victim or others may wish for. The judge apparently went easy on another violent case, but easy is just one way to interpret the situation. An easy sentence to some could be a harsh sentence to others, so it's somewhat subjective to the person reading this and their opinion.

NY Post said this about the judge:

Judge Terrence Perkins sentenced Gabriella Alo, 18, to six years in prison for sadistically beating a terrified teen victim, then running over a good Samaritan who tried to intervene, according to Flagler Live.

The site reported how Alo had amassed 764 behavioral infractions in just one quarter at her school before the January beatdown in Flagler County.

While prosecutors had recommended 15 years, Perkins — considered a balanced arbiter by local attorneys — noted Alo suffered from severe mental health issues and had expressed remorse.

Some backstory on the teen who beat the teacher's aide, reported by News Journal Online:

Almost 10 months after his arrest, Brendan Depa, the Florida teen accused of beating a female teacher's aide, pleaded no contest at a hearing this week.

He is facing a charge of aggravated battery on a school board employee, a first-degree felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

The incident happened Feb. 21, when a school camera caught a student identified as Depa attacking paraprofessional Joan Naydich.

He is being held at the Flagler County jail on $1 million bond.

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