Mark Hamil responds to GOP State Rep's really BAD Yoda impression

When you're trying to support Donald Trump and trash Joe Biden, then don't make yourself look like an idiot by doing a really bad impersonation of Yoda from Star Wars. Mark Hamil even got in the conversation, saying "the Cringe is strong with this one" - and even if you think Mark Hamil is a woke Hollywood washup, he's right about this one. The goober doing the bad Yoda impression is Iowa state Rep. Mike Sexton and he's comparing the 2024 election to the Star Wars movies, where the rebels are fighting the force of the Galactic Empire. But this isn't the movies, this is real life, and if you want people to take you seriously, then you have to act serious first.

Doing a Yoda impression when he's trying to get support for Trump just made Mike Sexton look like an idiot and there's no nice way to say that. Come on, bro. We're talking about trying to win an election here, not a 5th grade talent show. Grow up and do better. This ain't a joke anymore.

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