Someone's grandma terrorizes man sitting in parked car

Someone come get their grandma! This woman is terrorizing a man just sitting in his car. She even reaches into the car and talks like she's possessed by Satan himself. Do we need an exorcist? Raw Dog Sports Blog reported on this lady, saying the following in a culture blog post: "Here's a video of a 'Demon Grandma' terrorizing someone sitting in their car, minding their own business. She walks up to the car, puts her hands on the window, and starts questioning the guy like he's there collecting her taxes or something. He asked her politely, in his non-American accent, to pretty much get off his car and leave him alone. But that didn't work. He asks her to stop touching the car and the Demon Grandma from hell doesn't take the hint. She gets WORSE and starts talking in a demonesque voice that had me thinking of Linda Blair and wondering if the grandma will need her own exorcism one day."

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