Democrat George Norcross kicked out of Eagles game after hanging pro-Israel flag; both sides state their case

New Jersey Democrat George Norcross claims he was thrown out of the Eagles game for displaying a pro-Israel flag. The Eagles responded by saying he was acting inappropriately towards staff and that suite rules say no one is allowed to hang flags with 'non-game' messages from the suites. The security team of the Eagles say Norcross was getting "physically and verbally abusive" towards them, which prompted the ejection. However, Norcross says he was asked to leave because he wouldn't remove the flag.

Seems like Norcross wanted his non-game flag to be hung from the suite. The Eagles have a rule that no non-game flags can be hung. This is a good rule to be honest. Even though the flag was fine and good to see, it's not the time or place for it. People go to sports events to get away from the reality, an escape from real life to enjoy some sports and entertainment. Norcross should know better and he should keep his non-sports flags at home. This guy thinks he can break the rules of the stadium, but the fact is this - it doesn't matter what the flag said. If it's not game related, then the stadium doesn't want it hanging from the suites. This ain't your political playground, buddy. Keep your politics out of the stadium. We're trying to clean things up and keep politics out of football so it doesn't ruin the sport like it ruins just about everything else.

The Eagles are a great team and they have said time and again that they condemn the actions by Hamas. But rules are rules - keep your political flags at home and bring your 'F*ck Dallas' flags instead. Thankfully the Eagles won in that exciting game and sent the Dallas Cowboys home with a big fat LOSS.

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