Biden attempts to help elderly medal recipient off stage, coughing behind their back

President Joe Biden was wrapped up in another odd video when he was helping someone off stage, but really didn't help much and mostly just coughed behind the elderly person's back. Chris Powell from Trending Politics reported on the awkward Joe Biden video, saying the following:

During a White House ceremony Tuesday, President Joe Biden found himself in another uncomfortable situation as he tried to assist a science medal recipient off the stage. While Biden gave an award for the National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, he coughed on an elderly recipient and walked away, rather than offering a graceful assist. The event, aimed at honoring prominent scientists for their contributions, took another awkward turn when Biden grasped another recipient’s hand and held onto it for an extended period. What raised more eyebrows was Joe Biden’s story about his time with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The President recalled, “I was in the Tibetan plateau with Xi Jinping. I spent a great deal of time with him one-on-one, back when I was vice president and since then.” He continued with a somewhat puzzling recount, “He said, ‘Can you define America for me?’ And I said, ‘I can.’ One word, I mean it sincerely, possibilities, possibilities.”

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