Jenna Ellis pleads guilty while crying. Where's that $200k legal defense money going?

Attorney Jenna Ellis plead guilty while ugly crying after she struck a plea deal where she'll get stuck with five years probation, $5,000 in restitution, 100 hours community service, writing an apology letter, and an agreement to testify truthfully to any trials related to this case. I wonder what she's doing with the donations she raised to pay her legal bills. She raised about $200,000 off the backs of donors who probably believed she would fight this, but she just strikes a deal instead to save her own backside - turning her back on anyone else involved. I guess all that donation money went to waste if she's just going to strike a deal and not fight the charges.

Let this be your warning - NEVER DONATE TO A POLITICIAN OR ANYONE LINKED TO A POLITICIAN. They do NOT need your money. They are just TAKING YOUR MONEY.

AP reported on the details of Jenna Ellis pleading guilty, with their political news report saying the following:

Attorney and prominent conservative media figure Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a felony charge over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia, tearfully telling the judge she looks back on that time with “deep remorse.”

Ellis, the fourth defendant in the case to enter into a plea deal with prosecutors, was a vocal part of Trump’s reelection campaign in the last presidential cycle and was charged alongside the Republican former president and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law.

Ellis pleaded guilty to one felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She had been facing charges of violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and soliciting the violation of oath by a public officer, both felonies.

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