F**king idiots: Dem. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee exposed in leaked audio

Leaked audio shows Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee berating her staff as useless people who can't handle the job. To be fair, she probably makes a good point if her staffers suck, but she probably shouldn't be saying it like this because you know things in politics get leaked like crazy. She's cussing them out like it's nothing and if this was a Republican doing it, they'd be calling for them to be fired. Will they do the same thing for Sheila Jackson Lee? Will they call for her to be fired after her obscenity-laced audio was leaked?

RNC Research brought this to light: "Leaked audio obtained by @CurrentRevolt shows Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee berating a staffer: "F**king idiots serve no goddamn purpose ... Nobody gives a sh-t about what you're doing and you ain't doing sh-t!"

Photo: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

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