Dem. Rep. busted pulling fire alarm could face 30+ years in prison, tries to play it off in terrible response

Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman was BUSTED pulling the fire alarm during House proceedings and he could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted of a crime, which it is a crime to falsely pull the fire alarm in DC. Bowman was busted on camera pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building when Democrats were trying to stall a vote. Bowman pulling the fire alarm prompted an evacuation. He's since said it was not intentional, but everyone knows that is a lie and the security video footage shows him deliberately pulling the fire alarm. Washington Examiner pointed out some possible legal problems that Bowman could face (and should face) in a political news report:

It is possible that Bowman could be charged with three crimes and receive a maximum sentence of nearly 36 years, according to D.C. and federal laws.

The lesser of the three offenses is a false emergency report. Under D.C. law, it is a misdemeanor and punishable by up to six months in prison and a $1,000 fine.

Falsely pulling a fire alarm could also constitute illegal obstruction of congressional proceedings, a felony under federal law 18 U.S.C. § 1505. The felony is punishable by no more than five years. The law calls for eight years if the offense involves domestic or international terrorism, which could not apply in Bowman's case.

Bowman's act could also conceivably be tried as an obstruction of justice charge under D.C. law, which includes "corruptly, or by threats of force, any way obstructs or impedes or endeavors to obstruct or impede the due administration of justice in any official proceeding." This Class A felony would carry a punishment of at least three years and no more than 30 years and a fine as low as $12,500.

If he received the highest sentence, Bowman could spend 35 years and 6 months in jail if the sentence is given consecutively. However, sentences of this nature are likely to be given concurrently, lowering the number of years spent in jail.

News and Politics

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