Fetterman shows up to work 'dressed like a mechanic' in unsettling video

PA Sen. John Fetterman showed up to work dressed like a mechanic in what many people considered an unsettling video. This man is working in official government business and does not feel like he should dress in a professional manner. Of course, it wouldn't be bad if John Fetterman was actually good at his job. If he could put a coherent sentence together and did a great job for Pennsylvania, then no one would care what he wears. But that's not the case. He's one of the worst people ever elected in PA and his wardrobe just adds to his mockery.

To make things more embarrassing for the Joe Biden administration and the circus party of Democrats, it was Chuck Schumer who nixed the dress code for Senate so John Fetterman can show up to work dressed in sweatpants while making decisions that affect his state. It's one thing for a politician to make a bad decision, but to show up like you're going to Walmart for a bag of apples just adds insult to the injury that is our American political system. Trending Politics reported on the dress code changes, saying the following in a political commentary article:

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently directed the Sergeant at Arms to stop enforcing the prestigious body's dress code, a move designed to quietly accommodate new U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) so he would be allowed to continue wearing his trademark hoodie sweatshirt instead of a suit and tie.

Axios scooped news about the change on Sunday after a Senate official told the outlet that changes to dress code enforcement would go into effect next week. It's unclear if Sen. Fetterman has been chided, fined, or otherwise disciplined for previous infractions. "Senators are able to choose what they wear on the Senate floor. I will continue to wear a suit," Schumer said in a statement to Axios.

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