Whoopi Goldberg tries smearing 2024 candidate, social media lights her up

I don't know why anyone would watch 'The View' unless it's for comedy purposes to mock the hosts, because they're pretty much all crazy at this point. This video shows Whoopi Goldberg trying to smear 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis in a very racial way. It's like these women will sink to whatever low possible to make any Republicans look bad. The rhetoric from 'The View' co-hosts sounds completely dishonest, like the show is paid behind the scenes by the Democratic Party. It's like why would this show fall so far left to the point they're smearing people like racists? What value does this bring to their show? Absolutely NOTHING. They are lunatics and it's my opinion there's gotta be some political influence going on behind the scenes, because they could talk about a million other topics besides politics and probably have a bigger audience, but nope, they're total leftists and it's repulsive. People all over social media torched Whoopi for this one. I'd rather be tortured by the CIA than watch a full episode of this show.

The American Tribune wrote the following about Whoopi Goldberg smearing Ron DeSantis:

She said, “Listen. We’ve built the White House, we have — listen. I’m tired of explaining it. I’m tired of explaining it. You know, and just so we’re clear, we’re not going anywhere. We’ve been here, Mr. DeSantis. Many of us have been here for generations. Can you say the same? No, I don’t think he can.”

Agreeing with her, one of Whoopi’s fellow far-left co-hosts on “The View,” Joy Behar said that “His actions speak even louder than his words” and that DeSantis is “overseeing gerrymandering in Florida to weaken the black vote.”

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