Hunter Biden admits making $664K from CEFC China Energy: report

Hunter Biden's plea deal fell apart, which is detailed in the video above. Hunter Biden then plead NOT GUILTY when the sweetheart deal seemed to fall apart. NBC News reported on the details, starting off with the following in a political news story:

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to federal charges Wednesday, a surprise development after a disagreement arose with prosecutors over a gun charge.

The president’s son had been expected to plead guilty to two tax charges under a deal with the government, but the judge delayed ruling on the agreement until she receives additional information. The parties will reconvene at a future date, which could be within the next four to six weeks.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, appointed by Donald Trump, pressed about the terms of the deal that was struck with U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, another Trump appointee who was kept on by President Joe Biden to oversee the case.

A new report shows that Hunter Biden admitted to making $664k from CEFC China Energy, which contradicts things Joe Biden was saying. The report posted on Breitbart talked about Hunter Biden's lawyer, Chris Clark, and what they said in court. The report stated:

During a hearing before U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, Clark revealed Hunter made over one million dollars in foreign business transactions, including $664,000 from CEFC, a company linked to the CCP and Chinese intelligence.

“During calendar year 2017, Biden earned substantial income, including: just under $1 million from a company he formed with the CEO of a Chinese business conglomerate [BHR Partners]; $666,666 from his domestic business interests; approximately $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure investment company[CEFC]…” Clark told the judge, according to the court transcript obtained by not-for-profit Marco Polo.

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