'Private Citizen' Hunter Biden arrived at court in Secret Service Motorcade

If this is how private citizens get transportation, then sign me up! I'm a private citizen too, but the most I can get is a ride on SEPTA or an UBER/LYFT. How come the rest of us don't get the Secret Service motorcade? So anyway, KJP is the worst and dumbest White House press secretary we've ever seen. Joe Biden's entire administration is one big joke that functions more like a cheap circus full of FAILED diversity hires, degenerates, criminals, and scumbags.

America was better off under Donald Trump and anyone who thinks otherwise will always be wrong. The entire galaxy is laughing at America because of Joe Biden and his idiot-filled administration. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's little deal fell through and he pleaded guilty, as we reported earlier.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE ON HUNTER BIDEN: he pleaded NOT GUILTY after his little sweetheart plea deal fell apart. NBC News reported on the details, starting off with the following in a political news story:

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to federal charges Wednesday, a surprise development after a disagreement arose with prosecutors over a gun charge. The president’s son had been expected to plead guilty to two tax charges under a deal with the government, but the judge delayed ruling on the agreement until she receives additional information. The parties will reconvene at a future date, which could be within the next four to six weeks. U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, appointed by Donald Trump, pressed about the terms of the deal that was struck with U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, another Trump appointee who was kept on by President Joe Biden to oversee the case.

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