TikTok lady calls white folks 'stinky, evil, bleach demons'

I don't know what's worse, the fact this woman is referred to as a 'TikToker' which is like ten times worse than being called a YouTuber. Or the fact that's she says such horrible racist things and I was laughing pretty hard at it. Is this lady serious? I guess so, she sounds like she's got way too much hate in her blood, like she hasn't gone outside in the last 20 years to realize that people aren't really that racist and everyone is pretty nice when you experience them in public - except for the Karens.

Either way, this lady needs to look in the mirror and realize that she's the problem with society. Posting videos like this just makes her look bad. You're a scumbag for your words and actions, not your skin color, and this lady and her dumb rhetoric video ranks high on the scumbag list. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, or anything else. If you're posting racist videos like this on TikTok, then YOU'RE the problem. Figure it out, lady.

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