'No Name Bozo' on MSNBC argues FBI isn't policing Social Media enough

Tom Elliot really found a good one today when he said "MSNBC's @ryanjreilly argues the FBI isn't policing social media enough: "It’s not as though the FBI has been going in & saying, 'Hey, take down this post.' ... The FBI’s not very good at monitoring social media. Look what happened on Jan 6th. There are all of these warning signs""

Tom posted the video to go with it and it's a doozy. Reilly sounds like he wants the FBI to be reading social media all day and deleting posts or investigating people who make questionable posts. Of course, Reilly ties this in with J6. The funny part about this video is that I never heard of this Reilly guy until he got mocked on social media for saying something this stupid. It's like they hate America and want a totally weird big brother spy zone going on in our country.

Drastic215 said on Twitter: "Love it when a no name bozo finally gets posted for sounding like a moron."

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