Trump vows to 'reverse Biden’s global economic betrayals' and put America First

President Donald Trump vows to reverse Biden's bad economic betrayals and finally put America first. Trump was speaking at a rally and gave his views on Biden's politics. Trump's 2024 campaign is off to a rocky start as Democrats keep trying to find ways to slow him down, but Trump keeps pushing back and ahead.

Donald Trump was quoted on The American Tribune as saying: “To protect South Carolina Workers and manufacturers, I will pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, which I have one vote right here already. And he said to me, ‘Gee, that sounds good.’ You mean one for one, but we had some senators that I don’t think either they had a deal made, or they didn’t understand it, but it’s an incredible thing. As an example of India, China or another country, hits us with a 100% or 200% tariff, any tariff at all. We will hit them with the exact same tariff.

Photo: Gage Skidmore

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