'Worst Active Shooter Ever': criminal gets mocked after 'Good Guy' takes him out

You might think this is a joke, but it's not. There was an active shooter in Las Vegas and he was taken out by the 'good guy with the gun' and then the bad guy was mocked all over social media for being terrible at being a criminal. One Twitter user named Donut Operator said the following: "Worst active shooter ever.  Dude gets lit up immediately after shooting out the glass doors and entering Turnberry Towers in Las Vegas." Only one small correction, the suspect was leaving the towers after breaking the law, then got shot on the way out. Either way, the suspect is now 'unalive' and won't be breaking any further laws.

Upon searching for information about this shooting incident in Las Vegas, a report on KTNV said the following:

According to the resident, a man wearing a helmet had an AR-15 and other weapons when he entered the towers Friday afternoon.

This is when the resident tells us the man fired shots in the area of the front desk, shattering glass which is shown in pictures they have provided to us.

The resident says it was an employee of the towers who stopped the attack, and thinks they are a hero who deserves recognition for stepping in.

Dumpster Fire

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