Massive convoy rallies through Florida as Trump prepares for historic court appearance

Former President Donald Trump took off to Florida to make a historic court appearance in preparation to defend himself against felony charges and pushback against the Benedict Biden Justice Department trying to sabotage his 2024 campaign so 'sleepy Joe Biden' might have an easier time securing another 81 million votes. Trump is expected to appear in Miami on Tuesday, the second time facing a judge since April in relation to these so-called criminal charges. Trump has been sparking efforts from supporters in defense of himself, as reported on AP:

“We need strength in our country now,” Trump said Sunday, speaking to longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone in an interview on WABC Radio. “And they have to go out and they have to protest peacefully. They have to go out.”

“Look, our country has to protest. We have plenty of protest to protest. We’ve lost everything,” he went on.

Meanwhile, lots of bikers rallied and drove their convoy through Florida in support of Donald Trump, riding with waving flags and gathering support from onlookers as seen in the video above. If there's anything Americans know, it's that support for Donald Trump means people are sick of the establishment government, the establishment media, and people want the swamp drained as much as possible to make America great again.

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