'I'm just getting started': Sen. Tim Scott torches 'The View' hosts on their own show

Sen. Tim Scott went on 'The View' and obliterated the hosts right on their own show, right to their faces. He said "I’m on the show because of the comments made frankly on this show...the only way for a young African American kid to be successful in this country is to be the exception...? That is a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message..." Tim Scott went on to completely torch the narrative about successful Black folks in America. He says yesterday's promise is today's rule, but the challenges people faced 50-60 years ago, they shouldn't be the same challenges people talk about today. Tim Scott runs off some stats about jobs, graduation levels, and education importance.
The hosts tried to cut him off a few times, but Tim Scott said "I'm just getting started" as Whoopi Goldberg took the show to a commercial.

Here's some Tim Scott quotes:

"I’m on the show because of the comments made frankly on this show that the only way for a young African American kid to be successful in this country is to be the exception and not the rule. That’s a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people today, that the only way to succeed is by being the exception...

The fact of the matter is we’ve had an African American president, African American vice president, we’ve had two African Americans to be secretaries of the state. In my home city, the police chief is an African American who’s now running for mayor. The head of the highway patrol for South Carolina is an African American. In 1975, there was about 15% unemployment in the African American community for the first time in the country, it’s under 5%...

 ... You asked the question. I’ve watched you on the show, and you like people to be deferential and respectful... Progress in America is measured in generations. My grandfather born in 1921 in Salley, South Carolina, when he was on a sidewalk, a White person was coming, he had to step off and not make eye contact. That man believed then, with some doubt now, in the goodness of America, because he believed that faith in God, faith in himself, and faith in what the future could hold for his kids, would unleash opportunities in ways that you cannot imagine...

So what I’m suggesting is that the yesterday’s exception is today’s rule... It's not Republicans or Democrats... Both sides of the aisle can do a better job on the issue of race."

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