McCarthy admits only seeing '11% of the budget'; claims Biden 'walled off' remaining 89%

This conversation took place during an episode on Fox News with Harris Faulkner talking to alleged 'RINO' Speaker McCarthy:

Speaker McCarthy: "We only got to look at 11% of the budget to find these cuts. We have to look at the entire budget."

Harris Faulkner: "Why didn't you see the WHOLE budget?"

Speaker McCarthy: "The President walled off all the others."

Harris Faulkner: "He wouldn't let you see? Wow!"

The debt ceiling vote looms and it appears that Democrat President Joe Biden and Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy are on the same page, despite people saying that no Republican should support the debt ceiling and Republicans want deeper spending cuts. AP reported on the suggestion that it has enough votes to pass and Biden plans on it going accordingly:

“I think things are going as planned,” he told reporters. The president was to depart Washington Wednesday evening for Colorado, where he is scheduled to deliver the commencement address Thursday at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

“God willing by the time I land, Congress will have acted, the House will have acted, and we’ll be one step closer,” he said.

Biden sent top White House officials to the Capitol to shore up support ahead of voting. McCarthy worked to sell skeptical fellow Republicans, even fending off challenges to his leadership, in the rush to avert a potentially disastrous U.S. default.

“Everybody has a right to their own opinion, but on history, I’d want to be here with this bill today,” McCarthy, R-Calif., said as he arrived at the Capitol.

Many Americans believe they should reduce spending where it's not needed and make better decisions with the money instead of possibly overspending on things we don't need and therefore wasting money on essentially nothing.

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