'America 'will be great again': Trump vows to reverse 'reckless' Biden policies

Former President Donald Trump released a new video on Memorial Day weekend that slammed President Joe Biden and his "reckless policies" that are doing unwelcome things to the economy. Trump said if he wins the 2024 election, that he will begin reversing the destructive policies put in place by the failing Biden administration.

Trump said: "As you gather with family and friends this weekend everything is more expensive, a lot more expensive actually because of Joe Biden's reckless policies that have caused soaring energy costs and currency inflation like our country hasn't seen for over 50 years... Taxes are higher than ever... Rates for mortgages and car loans have put the American dream out of reach for countless millions of families... real wages are down 25 months in a row ... it's the longest streak on record. The typical American family this Memorial Day weekend has lost an average of nearly $7,000 a year in purchasing power because of Joe Biden's failed presidency. You could take the worst five presidents in history, and they haven't done the damage that Joe Biden has done."

Those are just little bits of what Trump said, but he wasn't done there. Former President Donald Trump continued, saying: "I want to drill... They don't want to get that liquid gold — we have more than anybody — but we're going to get it. We're going to bring those prices way down... By Memorial Day 2025, our country will be roaring back... We will be well on our way to greatness like our country has never seen before ... not only will we be energy independent but we will soon be energy dominant.... we'll be making so much money, so much that will be reducing debt and lowering your taxes... Our country will be great again; I promise."

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