HS girl gives THUMBS DOWN when transgender athlete bumps her OUT of State Championships

Another female athlete has had an accomplishment and opportunity taken away from her by a biological male competing in women's sports, completely ruining the fabric of competition and making it a complete disgrace to athletics, but for some reason, the parents and girls who keep losing to biological males are not speaking up loud enough to make a difference in the disgusting woke people we're dealing with.

In this situation, a high school girl placed 4th in a track competition and the boy placed 2nd, which knocked the real girl out of her chance to race at the California state finals. Had the boy not been running in the race, then Adeline Johnson would have placed 3rd and qualified for the state championships. Winning a state championship opens the door to new opportunities for high school athletes. Even getting to the state finals can open doors too, because they're competing at the highest level in their entire state and that means something when athletes apply to colleges and have a chance for scholarships.

But Adeline Johnson may not have that opportunity now and this is just another reason why biological males need to stay out of women's sports entirely. Daily Mail reported on the incident:

A high school athlete was seen giving a thumbs down on the medal podium after losing a shot at the state championships to a transgender athlete.

Adeline Johnson finished fourth in the 1600 meter race at the CIF-North Coast Section Meet of Champions, where Athena Ryan, a transgender female, came second.

Johnson, from Branson High School, can be seen waving at people in the crowd before giving a thumbs down during the medal presentation in Dublin, California on Saturday.

Ryan, from Sonoma Academy, along with the first and third place winners, will now move on to California Interscholastic Federation State Track & Field Championships next week.

Protestors were seen at the track meet with signs saying 'protect female sports' before they were removed from the stadium after a clash with security.


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