'That is not my account, ma'am': Democrat pesters FBI whistleblower about Pelosi Tweet that he didn't post

You have to be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome if you're a Democrat pestering an FBI whistleblower about a Tweet that he never sent, that's not from his account, and she's been told it - but she keeps being annoying. This is Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) talking to FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen about a tweet talking about Nancy Pelosi and January 6. He reminds her that is not his account, but she persists to then ask if he agrees with the tweet.

Now that she feels stupid, she's going to ask something else about the tweet he never sent from the account that's not his. You really can't make this stuff up and the Democrats have become such a bad group of people that America has no hope under their horrible leadership and lack of common sense.

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