Marine who put Jordan Neely in a chokehold charged, could face up to 15 years

The Marine veteran who put criminal Jordan Neely in a chokehold in an NYC subway last week, that resulted in the accidental death of Neely and sparked protests, has been charged with second-degree manslaughter and could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted and found guilty. The Marine, Daniel Penny, could likely say it was self-defense as Neely was allegedly threatening people on the subway.

Neely has a long wrap sheet of criminal arrests, with many including violence, so Penny's defense is likely to use some of that information to show Neely was acting in a violent way. There's also video of Penny letting Neely go and putting him into a 'recovery' position to help him shake off the chokehold that prevented him from possibly hurting people on the subway, so that may show good intent on Penny for his defense. Of course, I'm not an expert and this is all my opinion and commentary, not fact.

It's a shame people are protesting for Neely, a lifelong criminal, when they should be protesting for the Marine who saved people. There's something wrong with the way liberals/progressives think, that's for sure. Democrats are like the party who supports the bad people while Republicans would free this man and lock up the bad guys. It's like Democrats are the reason we can't have nice things.

NBC New York reported on it, saying the following in a local news article:

Daniel Penny didn't enter a plea at his 15-minute hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court. He was released on $100,000 bond and ordered to surrender any passports within 48 hours. He also must ask the court's permission if he wants to leave New York state, and signed a waiver of extradition guaranteeing his return in the event he does without the OK.

Penny is due back in court July 17. He turned himself in at a Lower Manhattan precinct earlier in the day at the request of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, one of his lawyers, Thomas Keniff, of firm Raiser & Kenniff.

"He did so voluntarily, and with the sort of dignity and integrity that is characteristic of his history of service to this grateful nation," Keniff said outside the 5th Precinct a short time later. "The case will now go to court and we expect an arraignment will occur this afternoon. The process will unfold from there."

Penny's attorneys have previously said the Marine veteran acted in self-defense and to protect fellow subway riders from a supposed perceived threat. They say he could "not have foreseen" Neely would die in the chokehold, and have called his death "the unfortunate result" of good Samaritan intervention. They also say he'll be absolved of the charge.

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