Video shows arrest of man who plowed SUV into people at Brownsville, TX bus stop

This video is the man who was driving the Range Rover that plowed into a group of people sitting at a bus stop in Brownsville, Texas. Reports say at least seven people have died and at least ten people were injured after the horrible incident. The video makes it seem like there's a chance the suspect might be under the influence and it's unclear if he lost control of the vehicle or ran people over on purpose. The man was taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries and charged with crimes, but the name was not yet leaked.

A man was arrested after he plowed into a group of people at a bus stop near the border in Brownsville, Texas. At least 7 were reported dead and 10 injured at the time this was posted. The man, who is not white, was arrested and said to be recovering in a hospital nearby. It's a shame the man didn't "fall" while in police custody.

The video of the SUV running people over at the Brownsville bus stop has shaken the Internet to its core.

The people at the bust stop were outside of a migrant shelter just minding their own business when an SUV plowed into the group and destroyed their lives. ABC13 published a news report on the incident and it contained the following information:

The city bus stop is across the street from the shelter and is not marked. There was no bench, and people waiting there were sitting along the curb, Maldonado said. He said most of the victims were Venezuelan men.

"What we see in the video is that this SUV, a Range Rover, just ran the light that was about a hundred feet away and just went through the people who were sitting there in the bus stop," Maldonado said.

Officials said the driver of the SUV is a Brownsville resident. He has been detained and is getting medical attention at a local hosptial.

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