Woman claims 'Green Vegetables' are how she knew child was trans

I literally can't even believe what I just heard her say. This is the insanity that is harming America right now. There are people on the planet who can't have kids, but would love to have kids and they would be great parents. Then there's this lady who claims that her kid was eating green vegetables and that lead her down the path of thinking her child was a transgender. These are the people who should NOT be allowed to have kids. Just because your innards are working, that does not mean you'll be a good parent.

Here's what the lady said in the video...

“We couldn’t figure out what the problem was. We took him to specialists, neurologists, and had brain scans trying to figure out why he couldn’t sleep... Then as he grew, he got to sleeping but his food choices were odd. They were always like green vegetables, raw green vegetables — which, you know kids, most kids don’t like to eat those things.”

OMG YOUR KID LIKES VEGETABLES OMGGGGG!! A lot of kids like vegetables if that's their only choice of foods. Kids only know what they're told, given, or presented. You think this toddler was at 7-11 pouring an extra large slushee? Lady, are you freaking insane? There's nothing wrong with your kid except for YOU being the parent.

“All of those things, once we figured out that he was transgender, when he came to us and told us that he was transgender, when we went back and realized that the pattern of everything that he had experienced as a child — including eating green vegetables because that boosts testosterone — were just methods of his body trying to become who he was meant to be,” she concluded. “His brain does not match his physiology.”

Take this child away from that horrible liberal mom right this instant. That kid deserves a chance to make it in America and he won't have ANY chance as long as he's around that deranged mental case of a mother.

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