Kennedy crushes Schumer for threats against SCOTUS justices

Sen. John Kennedy totally scorched Chuck Schumer in particular after the aging Democrat was threatening SCOTUS Justices last year. I guess Kennedy wanted to remind Democrats about how civil they are - or not. This took place during a Senate Judiciary Hearing to talk about the ethics rules for the Supreme Court following an incident where Democrats accused Justice Clarence Thomas of taking trips from one of his wealthy friends - as if Democrats do no wrong.

Kennedy used his time to remind Demoncrats of just the people they truly are and said the following:

“I remember the Democratic leaders’ words of March 4, 2020, on the steps of the United States Supreme Court like they were yesterday. I want to tell you Gorsuch,’ he said, not ‘Justice Gorsuch,’ but ‘Gorsuch,’ ‘I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.’ Wow. Just wow. I think Matthew 12:36 is correct, ‘for by thy words you shall be justified and by thy words you shall be condemned. Now the sad truth is, that some, not all, some of my Democratic colleagues have been on a crusade to undermine the United States Supreme Court’s legitimacy and the credibility of the federal judiciary for years..."

Daily Caller reminded folks about the video, uploaded originally by Forbes, on the backstory causing Kennedy's commentary. DC posted this:

Schumer’s comments came after the justices heard June Medical Services v. Russo, a case in which an abortion provider challenged a 2014 Louisiana state law requiring abortion providers have admitting privilege at a nearby hospital. Schumer lashed out at the justices. A spokesperson later telling the Daily Caller News Foundation that the senator’s comments were in reference to the political price Republicans would pay for appointing Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

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