Montana House Republicans discipline transgender lawmaker

Montana House Republicans have disciplined state Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a transgender woman aka man who dresses in women's clothes, for his protesting and bad behavior, barring him from the House floor. Zephyr spoke to the state legislature before the disciplinary voting, but it didn't matter what he said. Republicans still issued the punishment for bad behavior.

Zephyr is speaking out against Republicans who want to ban gender-affirming care for children, something that no parents should be pushing on their kids in the first place. The Republicans are right to do this, because children should not be pushed into gender nonsense by liberal parents who just want attention or to push their bizarre values on their kids. The kids should be left alone and they can decide when they're 18 if they want to pursue any form of gender affirming care.

When it came to voting against Zephyr, it went as expected along the party lines. 68 Republicans voted in favor of discipline action and 32 Democrats opposed it. Republicans also considered expelling him, which they should have done if they have the votes or power.  As of now, Zephyr is barred from the House floor as Republican lawmakers silence him for rest of the 2023 session

ABC News reported on the incident and had a quote from Zephyr (I corrected the misgendering below, because Zephyr is a man, not a woman, and we do not have to use people's fake genders):

The House voted 68-32 to censure Zephyr, who is barred from participating from the House floor.Zephyr said that she (*he) would continue to stand behind her (*he) beliefs after the censure."

As I left the House chambers, I pressed my light to speak—a reminder that this legislature is removing 11,000 Montanans from discussion on every bill going forward," Zephyr tweeted. "I will always stand on behalf of my constituents, my community, and democracy itself."

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