You're doin' makeup, men are over there p*ssing: all-gender airport bathroom is a clown show

A woman on TikTok was recording inside of an all-gender bathroom in an airport. I'm not sure which airport it was, but it's a total clown show. Not to mention people recording video in a bathroom is a bad idea of its own, but nevertheless, she persisted and got some people's reactions. They all seemed to be a little uncomfortable with it, but they were good sports and answered somewhat subtly, probably not knowing where the video would end up. At one point you see a woman doing make up and another guy come around the corner, no idea what he was doing over there. Some other guy is drying his hands.

The narrator is like "you're doing makeup, men are over there p-ssing" and it's just wacky all around. The bathroom does look clean though, probably because barely anyone is in it. If you've been to an airport, then you know those bathrooms can get quite busy for sure.

Just think about how stupid this is for a minute. It provides NO benefit to humanity whatsoever. It places MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN in the same bathroom areas. What's to stop some random creepy guy from grabbing a kid in there? Ya know, how ridiculous is this on a scale of 1 to 10? I'd say 100. You know what, you're gonna end up having dudes hang out in these bathrooms just to stalk women. At some point there will be a bathroom crime committed in one of these dumb idea restrooms where someone is hurt and who do we thank for that? Democrats. We thank the Democrats for messing things up and taking things that used to be fine and normal and turning it into crap.

You don't fix what's not broken!

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