Gone Too Far: Megyn Kelly shreds Nike and biological male used for sports bra ads

Nike should be ashamed! Megyn Kelly, a real woman, went OFF on Nike and Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male with no need for a women's sports bra, when Nike partnered with the guy to sell sports bras. Megyn Kelly was joined by two other women - real women, not the fake kind that Dylan is trying to be as he mocks real women across the planet just so he can make some money. Megyn Kelly is obviously fed up with this nonsense and mocked Nike and Dylan immediately. NY Post quoted the outspoken woman, as stated below:

“Nike sponsoring Dylan Mulvaney now for a f–king sports bra,” Kelly said during Tuesday’s edition of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM.

“I’m sorry, Dylan doesn’t have breasts.”

“Dylan’s been taking some sort of a hormone that has turned Dylan into some … I don’t know what’s happening there, but those are not breasts.”

“And Dylan doesn’t need any sort of a bra — never mind a sports bra,” according to Kelly.

She said that women who “know what it’s like to wear a bra” would not “be inspired to buy one based on non-breasted Dylan Mulvaney prancing around in a Nike sports bra.”

Kelly is right so far. No man should be used in an ad selling sports bras. There are plenty of real women out there who would like the paycheck from being featured in a Nike ad, but Nike just figured a guy would do it better or they catered to the woke liberal agenda that basically ruins everything it touches. Kelly went on...

Kelly also went on to say Mulvaney is not an ideal spokesperson because the influencer “appears to have an eating disorder.”

“Just gonna say it,” Kelly said, before adding: “Dylan is about 40 pounds soaking wet.”

“So this should not be anybody’s spokesperson for anything.”

“If there were a woman who looked like that, she couldn’t get an endorsement because they say she clearly is unwell,” Kelly said.

Well, we don't know if the guy has an eating disorder, but we do know he looks like that. That alone is enough to mock him for. Kelly kept going...

On Wednesday’s show, Kelly said: “Look how many sponsorships Dylan Mulvaney is getting now, even for bras and women’s facial cream, aging facial cream.” “Like why? Did we run out of biological women to sell bras?”

“I started this whole journey very compassionate towards the trans community,” Kelly said, noting that she has relatives who are transgender.

“I saw the bullying, and I saw how tough it was… before it was a thing, before it was okay, when it was still very stigmatized,” Kelly said of the trans experience.

She added: “I had nothing but compassion. I feel differently now. I feel like it’s gone too far.”

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