Matt Gaetz has the most bizarre conversation with Defense Sec Austin

If this is what our United States government and military are talking about, then we are doomed. What happened to America, folks? We used to stand for something. We used to be amazing. Now we're being mocked by everyone, now we have no morals, now our politicians spend all day on Twitter and get nothing done that makes any sense, it's like a big giant circus and we are the audience. It's awful. I'm embarrassed for us. Our government is pathetic right now - on both sides. We would be great if they all resigned and we started over, because this polarization, right vs left, and all the nonsense going on needs to STOP.  But anyway, some random website UrduPoint had the details on the news report:

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Representative Matt Gaetz entered a number of news reports regarding drag queen events linked to the Defense Department into the congressional record."Can I get copies of those (reports), because I'd like to take a look at those myself, actually, take a look and find out what actually is going on there, because that's the first I'm hearing about that kind of stuff," Milley said.

"I'd like to take a look at this, because I don't agree with those. I think those things shouldn't be happening."Gaetz also questioned US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the events, in response to which Austin denied the department funds or supports such activities.Additionally, Gaetz questioned Milley and Austin about the US military's diversity, equity and inclusion practices, including a book written by a Defense Department official on so-called white privilege.

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