Joe Biden is a bumbling mess, can't even get the teleprompter right, time to resign

Here's your favorite bumbling mess President Joe Biden who can't even read from a teleprompter without messing up. How did this guy get elected? You have to be really stupid to vote for a guy like this. If you voted for Joe Biden, then you owe the rest of the galaxy an apology. So what really happened that day when that dummy Joe Biden had another teleprompter disaster? Washington Times reported:

President Biden on Tuesday struggled to get through a short poem at a White House event Tuesday, reading it twice and managing to get it wrong both times. The gaffe occurred during an event to honor the 12 recipients of the National Humanities medals, an award honoring individuals or organizations whose work has deepened the nation’s understanding of the human experience. Mr. Biden sought to honor one of the winners, poet Richard Blanco, by reading one of his works. The poem was written for the second inauguration of President Obama, whom Mr. Biden served as vice president.

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