Philly has a horrible problem and it feels like the mayor does nothing to help

Drugs are out of control in Philadelphia and it really feels like the Democrat Mayor Jim Kenney does absolutely nothing to help. There are parts of Philly around Kensington and Allegheny, known as K&A, where people are walking around like zombies because they're high. But what is the city doing about it? They should be rounding these people up and forcing them to sober up, but they aren't. I know that sounds like it's against the word freedom, but these people clearly can't think for themselves anymore, so why not force them into a rehab center, get them straight, and show them a better way to live? They obviously aren't doing it for themselves and it seems like their family can't do much to help, so what else can people do? I know one thing, Democrats ain't doing much to help. They just open safe injection sites for people to get high instead of actually solving the problem. The Democrats are enablers.

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