Do you have a penis: Lawmaker askes trans woman during official hearing

Republican Sen. Matt McKee asked a biological male who identifies as a trans woman if he has a penis. This took place during a hearing on a bill that would block gender-affirming care for minors, because minors shouldn't be being brainwashed by psychopath liberal parents. Kids should be playing and enjoying their lives as children before they grow up and pay taxes, not dealing with this fake gender BS. Republican Rep. Matt McKee is awesome. He asked the right question because the dude has a pecker and he's not a woman. Listen to his voice when he says "THAT'S HORRIBLE" Yeah dude, it is horrible that you're there dressed like a woman and trying to manipulate kids into this garbage.

A woke NBC News reporter posted the following, using the wrong pronouns. The pharmacist is a he, not a she, because he's a man in women's clothes, not a real woman. Keep in mind that this is not NBC News who wrote this, but it's the individual reporter who went along with the nonsense.

An Arkansas lawmaker shocked onlookersthis week when he asked a transgender health care professional about her genitals at a hearing on a bill that would prohibit gender-affirming care for minors.

Gwendolyn Herzig, a pharmacist who is a trans woman, was testifying Monday in support of the treatment for minors during a state Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.


“You said that you’re a trans woman?” Republican state Sen. Matt McKee asked Herzig. “Do you have a penis?”

The audience erupted, with some audibly gasping and at least one person shouting, "Disgraceful."

"That's horrible," Herzig said, after taking a few moments to gather herself. "I don't know what my rights are, but that question was horribly inappropriate."

Herzig, who holds a doctorate of pharmacy, then added: "I'm a health care professional, a doctor. Please treat me as such. Next question, please."

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