Rob Schneider schools heckler on free speech

Comedian Rob Schneider took care of a heckler the old-fashioned way, by teaching them a lesson and making them shut up.  Trending Politics reported on Rob's easy-handling of the heckler, quoting the pro-Trump comedian:

It all started when the comedian noticed some tension in the crowd. Pausing mid-joke, Schneider asked, “Everything okay? Are you mad? You okay?” The audience held its breath, waiting to see what would happen next.
The heckler didn’t stay quiet for long, and Schneider’s response was pure gold. “You’re mad? That’s okay,” Schneider said. “You know what the cool thing about America is? Free speech isn’t the speech you like. Nice stuff’s not what needs to be protected. It’s the stuff that you hate.”
The crowd erupted into applause, but Schneider wasn’t finished. He continued to school the heckler, delivering a masterclass in how to handle disruptive audience members. “That needs protection so that somebody like the government—or you—doesn’t get to decide what everybody else gets to hear.”


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