Ted Cruz has deep concerns about Biden 'corruption' dating back years

Ted Cruz posted this video of himself on Twitter with the statement: "I have serious concerns about corruption by Joe Biden during his time as Vice President and now as President. The Biden family has received millions from firms in China and Ukraine."

Back in October, Sen. Grassley posted a document on his official GOV page and part of it mentioned the following: "Since August 2019, we have been investigating Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s financial connections to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals.1On September 23, 2020, and November 18, 2020, we publicly released our Biden Reports that showed potential criminal financial activity with respect to Hunter and James Biden.2In addition, our reports showed how their extensive links to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals posed counterintelligence and extortion concerns. Our work was falsely labeled by the liberal media and some of our Democratic colleagues as advancing Russian disinformation.3Therefore, to prove them wrong, on March 28, 2022; March 29, 2022 and April 5, 2022, we released financial records during Senate floor speeches that corroborated and further substantiated the foreign financial transactions and connections we described in our previous reports.4The bank records we are providing you today supplement those floor speeches. After those Senate floor speeches, on May 9, 2022, we wrote to you and asked whether you possessed financial records relating to the Biden family’s financial connections to the communist Chinese government, including those that we made public in our Senate floor speeches. 5You failed to answer and instead the Department of Justice (DOJ) interceded to respond on your behalf, and it also failed to answer our questions"

When it comes to the Ukraine, Biden recently asked for BILLIONS in emergency aid for them, as reported on AP: "
President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide more than $37 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, a massive infusion of cash that could help support the nation as Russian forces suffer battlefield losses in their nine-month-old invasion."

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