Kamala Harris fails to describe how 'The Cloud' works

Kamala Harris tried to describe how 'cloud' computing works and she failed miserably. It's as though she doesn't actually understand what 'the cloud' means. At one point Kamala Harris suggests it's like your data is no longer on a physical server, but that's completely false. The 'cloud' is a network of servers across the planet that host data, making it cheaper and faster for companies to store information. Cloudflare, a major company in networking/computing/cache programs for websites describes the cloud as this: "The cloud is made up of servers in data centers all over the world. Moving to the cloud can save companies money and add convenience for users."

Kamala said about the cloud, making a major mistake that shows she's got no idea what she's saying: "No longer are you keeping those private files in some file cabinet. It's on your laptop, and it's then therefore up here in this cloud, that exists above us. It's no longer in a physical place."

ACK-SHU-ALLY....yes, there are many, many physical locations where the data/information is stored and easily accessed across the globe. In fact, it's often faster because you can connect to data closer to your physical location rather than waiting for the same data to load from a location across the planet. The difference in speed may not be that big these days since our Internet speeds have gone up tremendously from the last 15 years, but speed is key when you're online.

The bottom line? Kamala Harris has no idea what she's talking about. The more she talks, the worse it gets.

News and Politics

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