Oakland Mayor's house raided amid corruption, blames right wingers for downfall

Here's another one of those political news stories where you simply could not make it up. This is the Democratic Mayor of Oakland and she was crying about right-wingers during a press conference, blaming them for her political downfall after the FBI raided her home amid an investigation into corruption. Trending Politics reported on this incident, saying:

Sheng Thao, the embattled 38-year-old mayor of one of the most impoverished cities in the Golden State, held a press conference on Monday where she spun the Bureau’s raid last week as a political hit job intended to pressure her and other progressives out of the city government. As she spoke in front of City Hall, protestors gathered nearby to call for her resignation.
“We’re not going down like that,” Thao said defiantly in her remarks. “The people who voted for me deserve to have their voices heard and communities prioritized. I’m seeking the truth right now just as much as you all are.”

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