Community members capture illegal immigrant accused of raping 13-year-old

When the local law enforcement doesn't have enough people on the streets, and Democrats who are soft on crime combine with Joe Biden's failed protection at the border all happen at the same time, then you're gonna have problems. In this case, things like that lead to a 13-year-old girl being raped by an illegal immigrant. They finally figured out who allegedly did it and put out posters of his face. That's when the community kicked in. Someone found the suspect and they reportedly tied the guy to a lamppost until the police arrived to arrest him.

The man in the video talks about the story of how the community took care of business. The report from ABC News tells more details of the crime:

Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old Ecuadorian migrant who entered the U.S. illegally in June 2021, was picked up overnight after community members recognized him from a photo and video released by police, according to the New York Police Department. Police said they restrained him, possibly with a belt, and roughed him up after he fought with his captors.

He was taken to the hospital for evaluation.Inga-Landi waived his Miranda rights and told police he had a drug problem and had never done anything like this before, according to NYPD Chief of Detectives Joe Kenny.He was previously arrested in Eagle Pass, Texas, for entering the country illegally. He also had three summonses in New York City and a domestic violence encounter with police that did not result in arrest.

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